2012 - I had Vertical Sleeve Gastric Surgery in October 2012, and this is my journey to push the fat girl aside and start living life without fear of lawn chairs, the middle seat, clothing shops and high heels. Among other things.

2017 - I'm preop for the Duodenal Switch procedure for my sleeve to help me get to goal weight....and to fix another hiatal hernia.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 2013 Recap (GOAL!!!)

February, the longest-shortest month of the year.

It was a really hard one for me. Really hard. If I could sum this month up in a word, that word is STRESS.  However As of TODAY....

I finally hit my next major milestone. -50lbs!!   *SOUNDS THE TRUMPETS*  

Weigh In this morning was 251lbs.  This means that I ended Feb just like I did in Jan – with another new low.  YAY!   That has put the happy back in my step after a long and horrible month. 

The numbers:
Jan 31 - 253.2
Feb 1 - 252.8
Feb 2 - 253.8
Feb 3 - 253.6
Feb 4 - 252.8
Feb 5 - 252.4
Feb 6 - 252.6
Feb 7 - 252.8
Feb 8 - 252.2
Feb 9 - 252.2
Feb 10 - 252.4
Feb 11 - 253.8
Feb 12 - 253.4
Feb 13 - 253.8
Feb 14 - 252.6
Feb 15 - 252.6
Feb 16 - 252.2
Feb 18 - 252.0
Feb 19 - 251.4
Feb 20 - 251.4
Feb 21 - 252.2
Feb 22 - 252.2
Feb 25 - 252.6
Feb 26 - 252.8
Feb 27 - 251.8
Feb 28 – 251.0

Pounds lost in Feb – 2.2
Pounds lost Overall – 50

While I’m not particularly impressed with my numbers this month -  2.2lbs is more along the lines of what I have lost in a week.  I’m still pleased that I did it. It was difficult to stay positive, and to keep going, but I did. 

I went to yoga last night, I didn’t want to, I had a million excuses that I let roll around as I got changed, grabbed water and got in the car.  It was hard, but I need to keep at it.  Its good practice to make myself do something that I don’t want to.

February has been a month of struggles, so I guess it taught me that I can make it though anything if I take it a step at a time!


  1. Congratulations on making a loss! I also realized that it is 2:40 in the afternoon, and I had not realized TODAY was Feb. 28. I was thinking it was tomorrow. Thanks for the wake up call! :)

  2. Thank you! -50 is a big one! Man, Feb kicked my butt though.
