2012 - I had Vertical Sleeve Gastric Surgery in October 2012, and this is my journey to push the fat girl aside and start living life without fear of lawn chairs, the middle seat, clothing shops and high heels. Among other things.

2017 - I'm preop for the Duodenal Switch procedure for my sleeve to help me get to goal weight....and to fix another hiatal hernia.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Posting to make myself do it

yeah... I'm not doing the basics and that includes watching the scale and my food. 

This morning:  242.8.   SWEET F()#$*!!!!

I want the 230's back.  I want them back NOW!

That means, that I'm going to HAVE TO DRINK WATER.   I would guess that I've had less than 1 Liter of water a day for the last 3 weeks.  That is so disgusting and unacceptable.

I've been sick and now I feel even worse.  I can't p00p, I am listless, I'm not sleeping well...


Also, time to start tracking food again.  This is BS. 


  1. Hi Tamzin, Yes, get on track asap, so you don't regret it. I recently gained 5 pounds, which upon correcting my diet, was mostly water retention. But no use hating myself--I LOVE!!! eating better again. I had a LOT of mind games going on when I was flirting/nibbling unhealthy foods. I'd rather not eat that stuff and be proud of myself. :D

    1. Too right!! Intervention in full swing today!!!!!
