2012 - I had Vertical Sleeve Gastric Surgery in October 2012, and this is my journey to push the fat girl aside and start living life without fear of lawn chairs, the middle seat, clothing shops and high heels. Among other things.

2017 - I'm preop for the Duodenal Switch procedure for my sleeve to help me get to goal weight....and to fix another hiatal hernia.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday Squats and Such

I'm not back into the 230's yet, but I AM sticking to my exercise.

10min bike warm up
5min walk to gym
dynamic stretching

Squats (lbs x reps at that weight)
45 x 6
65 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5

Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 5
105 x 3
105 x 3
105 x 3
105 x 3
105 x 3

No abs, those thats 5 sets of 3 were hard enough!! 

Walked home
rolled out
ate a snack
watched Top Gear

I started to feel the begining of a UTI last night, so I popped over to the walgreens and got some cranberry pills. Think that took care of it - as I feel better this morning!!

Goal today - more water!


  1. Oooh, I bet your thighs will be talking to you today! LOL! Great job on the exercise!

  2. Great job! That sounds like a great workout. I just downloaded a photo with a workout posted on it that you are supposed to do 3x: 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 25 squats, 20 lunges per leg, 80 jumping jacks and 60 second wall sits.

    1. Nice! Thats a good weight/cardio workout. I do need to get back on the pushups. I was going to try and do them in the mornings, but that feel off after about 4 days. :D

  3. yay exercise :) bet your muscles will be a bit sore. Hope those cranberry pills work cause UTI sucks big time, huge doses of vit C seem to work for me.

    1. Yep - UTIs are the worst. Cranberry pills worked thier magic - thank goodness!

  4. Good attitude! Can't get good results without it! Nice bench press! :D

    1. There is no I in team, but there is a ME in awesome. LOL !! :)
